The renewable nature of these energies, their low emission of waste, polluting discharges and greenhouse gases are advantages. But their power, relatively disseminated, is much lower than that of highly concentrated non-renewable energies. They can be - in the case of solar and wind power- "intermittent" and hardly storable because they are immediately transformed into electricity, requiring then the punctual contribution of other energies. Theirimplementation also involves heavy investments, even if over time they become increasingly competitive in the face of fossil fuels..
Solar energy is produced in two forms: solar photovoltaic, which transforms the sun's light into electricity by means of semiconductor cell panels and solar thermal that captures the heat of the sun, which is used as such or transformed into mechanical energy and then into electricity.
Areas of expertise....
Biomass is made up of all organic matter of vegetable origin (including micro-algae), animal, bacterial or fungal (fungi) through its combustion. For centuries, wood has been the main source of energy before being dethroned by coal and then oil & gas. But there are other forms of biomass use. Methanation produces biogas from our household or agricultural waste. The refining of plant biomass allows the production of biofuels.
Areas of expertise....
Geothermal energy uses the heat from underground aquifers, or even dry rocks, captured to a greater or lesser depth, to supply urban areas, buildings or factories, or to generate electricity through power stations. Some countries with favorable geological conditions use it on a massive scale, such as Iceland or the Philippines, two volcanic countries. Heat from other sources can also be captured and used in networks or industrial processes.
Areas of expertise....
The hydraulic energy of large dams is today the first renewable energy source. China, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and perhaps tomorrow Africa, are the leaders of the sector.
Design, studies and manufacture of hydraulic systems and equipment.
Maintenance Services, on site interventions [On-site trouble shooting and repairs].